Sell your business for maximum value.

We specialize in selling businesses with profit between $500,000 to $5 million across Canada.

The Broker Of Choice For Profitable Businesses

If you want to maximize the value of your business and get the best price possible we can help you. Our only goal is to maximize the net amount of money that ends up in your pocket and provide a quick discreet sale.

Why Choose Us?


The best price and terms for your business


A quick discreet sale


A successful closing and transition


A competitive commission structure

Our Focus:


 Protecting confidentiality  is crucial when selling a business .  We market your business in such a way that your employees, customers, and suppliers will not know your business is up for sale.   

Risk Mitigation

Selling a business the wrong way can be risky. We do our utmost to protect you.   


More  interested buyers equals higher selling price and better terms . We used customized marketing to drum up buyers  for your business both locally and internationally. This is in addition to our existing list of entities looking to acquire.

Maximize Your Investment

You have spent years and countless hours building your business why would you not want to maximize your sale value? just like you are an expert in your business, we are experts in selling a business.

We have a accumulated curated list of premium buyers who are looking to buy a profitable business in Vancouver, Surrey, and surrounding cities.

This along with our multichannel marketing strategy should result in top dollar for your business.